1. link

    The web is not dying | Go Make Things

    ‘I don’t know how you can look at all of these amazing tools and technology and feel like the web itself is doing anything other than flourishing, though.’ (via @ChrisFerdinandi)


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  2. link

    On my recent trip to belarus, I met Vadim Makeev and had an interesting chat about CSS on the @webstandards_ru podcast. listen here: (via @pepelsbey)


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  3. link

    Amphora - Ethan Marcotte

    …we’ve reached a point where AMP may “solve” the web’s performance issues by supercharging the web’s accessibility problem. (via @beep)


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  4. link

    Getting to the Heart of Digital Accessibility - A List Apart


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  5. weeknotes

    The cat’s out of the bag: we are organizing a conference in November in Vienna! I’ve been working with Tuzo and Daniel these past few weeks to get the website set up and this thing off the ground. I’m very excited about this and although there’s still lots of work ahead of us, the lineup is already amazing.

    Speakers include Rachel Andrew, Jeremy Keith, Heydon Pickering and more awesome people who are yet to be announced. We also have an open CFP for the last slot - Take a look!

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  6. weeknotes
    • wrote a new post: The CSS Mindset
    • saw a live show by Tool, one of my favourite bands
    • got lots of work done with the guys at Simpleloop
    • learned a bit about React hooks and how to use them.
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  7. weeknotes

    I’m giving this “weeknotes” thing a shot after seeing it on some other blogs! (I’m starting with 22 because that’s the current calendar week).

    • Started digging into webcomponents with lit-html. So far I like it, feels very straightforward.
    • Met Manuel for drinks and shoptalk. Interesting stuff is happening!
    • Saw Ethan’s Talk “The World-Wide Work” from New Adventures Conf, which really got me thinking about the general direction the web is taking, and our role as developers in it.
    • Booked a flight for a spontaneous short trip to Tbilisi, Georgia.
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  8. We use gitlab issues at work, which supports tagging commit messages with an issue number, to make that commit appear in the issue thread. I often forget to tag my messages though, and then remember a second after committing.

    So I wrote a little helper function as a custom git command:


    OLD_MSG=$(git log --format=%B -n1)
    git commit --amend -m "$OLD_MSG, #$1"

    It’s just a simple shell script that fetches the last commit message and appends the issue number. So I can do this:

    $ git commit -m "add css grid support"
    # ah fuck, forgot that this is related to an issue!
    $ git append-issue 27
    # commit msg is now: "add css grid support, #27"

    To make it work:

    • Name the shell script git-append-issue (no extension)
    • save it in a folder in your home directory, i.e. ~/git-commands
    • make it executable with chmod 555
    • add that folder to your $PATH
    • git now recognizes your custom command!
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  9. 💡Friendly reminder: if you include analytics or other tracking scripts on your site, please respect the “Do Not Track” client setting. You can check for it like this:

    function allowsTracking() {
    const dnt =
    window.doNotTrack ||
    navigator.doNotTrack ||
    if (dnt === 1 || dnt === '1' || dnt === 'yes') {
    return false
    if ('msTrackingProtectionEnabled' in window.external) {
    return !window.external.msTrackingProtectionEnabled()
    return true

    if (allowsTracking()) {
    // Analytics Tracking Code Here
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  10. detecting autofill on form inputs is not very straightforward. One solution involves hooking up an empty animation to the :-webkit-autofill pseudo class, then listening for that animation in JS. (works in chrome/safari) code: https://codepen.io/mxbck/pen/XQrymm

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